Her Misty Spirit Kisses His Fleshy Being

A Pressure Against His Lips, and Then…

Misbah Sheikhh
Write Under the Moon
4 min readApr 29, 2024


Two ethereal beings engaged in a kiss, surrounded by swirling, mist-like forms.
Image created by Nour Boustani using Midjourney — Thank you, Nour! :)

in the dim place where day has yet to break
there’s a whisper of a presence, a form that should be there but isn’t
flesh hums with a soul’s fading note…
he tastes the dew in the air, waiting (patient)
for her, that almost something (he’s sure, he’s unsure)
she comes like the scent of earth after rain…



Misbah Sheikhh
Write Under the Moon

I write to inspire and connect with you. Follow me on my writing journey and let your spirits wander on an unending fantastic voyage.~ The Hub Publication.